(The following is the text provided on the free PDF of The Love Declaration that this website provides as a free download which individuals may print and directly share.)
The Love Declaration Mission Statement
This Love Declaration is offered as a personal transformation covenant whose purpose is to be a bridge to our awakened conscious unity. It is a spiritually-initiative portal through which all beings are invited to pass via the authentic setting aside of the illusion of a separate self. It is a powerful and unambiguous thought form, and is intended to be freely shared, moving as a gift from heart to heart as timed and guided by the Good That Is. It’s mission is to inspire unifying miracles by rigorously voicing—without exceptions, backdoors, loopholes, or exits of any kind—a fundamentally true knowing living deep within every created sentient being. Regardless of any failures to actually BE it moment to moment, The Love Declaration stands for the possibility of knowing ourselves as our Word in exactly the same way that life’s Creator knows itself as it’s Word. This Declaration, by including and going beyond the present tense simple into the future-promissory (I am and I will be) languages for the benefit of our personal awareness the actively compassionate voice of our universal relatedness. It is a tool providing the limitless non-comparative reality of Absolute Love a trustable anchoring presence for our hearts and minds. Beyond suggesting daily remembrance, and that its usage be public, shared, and communion-generating, The Love Declaration, being universal, comes “without instructions”, because guidance regarding its use is available within every being directly for the sincere asking, whatever our individual cultural backgrounds, faith persuasions, or other life-contextualizing paradigms. Thank you for recognizing that your life, and the creative, intentional, and contributive way you live it, is a blessing absolutely essential to the wholeness of Life. There is only One of us here.
Credits: As literature, both The Love Declaration and The Love Declaration Mission Statement are ©1986 David Kenyon Seacord. Subject to international copyright law, permission for unlimited non-commercial reproduction and distribution is hereby granted, provided The Love Declaration, The Mission Statement and these Credits are reproduced in their entirety. The words you are reading is part of the text of a free PDF of The Love Declaration which is downloadable from https://thelovedeclaration.com. The purpose of our free PDF downloads is to provide you a simple way to print and share this Declaration with your community. Also, the website provides addition information about the Declaration, and translations of it into other languages. If you have additional questions or comments to share with us, please email: office@thelovedeclaration.com. Thank you!