Signing The Love Declaration
“May it be a light-activating moment…’
Signing The Love Declaration can be done on any level, from complete superficial unconsciousness to profound (w)holiness. We encourage you to create a way of signing it that elevates that moment to as conscious an awareness as is possible, for that moment is where you are declaring you will give it the power to transform your life. You may wish to gather, and create ceremony. You may wish to go into a deep retreat. However you may choose to sign this Declaration, you bless all of us, this world, and your own life. By your intention to walk this path, you are bringing more Love unto this earth.
Once you have signed The Love Declaration with your heart, this webpage is also intended to become a place where a virtual opportunity to sign The Love Declaration publicly will exist. We are searching for the plugins or coding to create this digital opportunity. There are ‘petition’ plugins that might be appropriate with some modification. That is being studied. So, more to come.
In the meantime, please do join the email list, as that will allow us to keep you updated. Thank you so much.