The Current Reality:
Truth be told, ‘Who WE are’ is simply an ‘originating human with a vision’ named David Kenyon Seacord …and a geographically dispersed circle of supportive and helpful friends and coaches. What is calling this unorganized organization to take the actions of sharing this vision, this mission, is a powerful sense that right now…at this moment in human history…this Love Declaration could be ‘something very useful’ in the Divine Plan. Therefore this website exists to gently insert The Love Declaration into the collective awareness–in the belief it has an awakening work to do with many people–and that also, by person-to-person sharing of it we each could become part of the pathway it is taking to reach whomever recognizes it …and values it by using it.
Right now, there is no organization, no non-profit status, not even a bank account. Although some of the text on this website is written as though The Love Declaration Foundation was a ‘fait accompli’, the status of all that is still ‘the possible future’. Right now, all there really is is The Love Declaration, this website, us, you, and the world (and our fundraising e-commerce store which offers David’s personally created art-imprinted products, and which benefit the mission’s overhead).
To us, that simply means there’s a lot of possibility to live into. At first it seemed like a good idea to wait to begin sharing the Declaration until all the structures were built/created and in place, but the experience that’s been showing up is that that may take some time to do–properly researched and thoughtfully done and with an awareness that “the times they are a-changin”–and while that is happening the Love Declaration still needs to be being shared across the planet without any delay, because sharing it is really what the Real Work is. Therefore, we’ve been guided and inspired to keep moving ahead, knowing that all else that is needed will also appear ‘in God’s timing’.
Clearly this is a work that has a destiny of its own, both individually in each life, and collectively in the mass human consciousness. No one can say for any other person what The Love Declaration delivers to them, or where using it as a truth mirror will lead them. We are just offering it in a way that we believe will give it the best chance of being passed on to whomever has a destiny with it. That is what we are in service to, that is what we invite you to be in service to also, by the simple act of receiving it into your life, and then sharing it.
Our envisioned future ‘organization’…
The Love Declaration Foundation is THE CREATIVE IDEA of ‘a charitable and educational association committed to ethical, integral, transparent planetary service’. The current drafts of a Foundation Charter declare the mission of the Foundation to be: “to inspire and create and sustain a planet-wide awakening from fear”. Our plan is very simple: it is to make The Love Declaration available across this planet by every means possible and by so doing to generate a quantum increase of Love and Joy and Light everywhere. Our mission is not to directly battle the oppression of fear— it is to bring Light to whatever is feared (which is naturally unblinding) and which thereby create freedom. And this means YOU are our partner in this mission if The Love Declaration has spoken to you. If that is the case, then the purpose of this website is to offer you the tools and support you may need or desire that you may give this gift on to others.