The Love Declaration:
What’s it all about?
What’s its Mission?
What is its Vision?
In my view, the Love Declaration is like a universally visible Light atop a very high pinnacle inviting us to Be Now who in Truth we actually are, who we have always been, and who we will always be.
Ultimately, The Love Declaration is about having Life work for everyone and everything on Earth. Interimly, it’s about individually becoming the correction as to why life appears to not work, which is easy to identify as ‘fear’. Because … our fears stop us from knowing who we are or what we feel, it keeps us disconnected and disempowered, it shuts down clear communication, it perpetuates reactivity and judgement and all the forms of insanity plaguing our home, our planet. There is no freedom of being where there is fear. That is why our choice in life is always one of love or fear.
Enter The Love Declaration. It is a rigorously-worded causative, a life-clarifying stand and promise… aimed so exaltedly that at first it would seem impossible to live it. That in itself is ‘perfect’, and our joined highest, clearest awareness knows that… because when you or I or anyone accepts its invitation, that acceptance alters our destiny. For most of us, yes, it certainly will take discipline and practice to make habitually good on such a promise…very likely the entire rest of our lives. Most of us still have many fear patterns active within us… therefore, to just instantly ‘get it’ and never fail in being it from the first moment onwards…that is not expected or required. Yet if you do authentically recognize the voice of your Self in this Declaration, you ARE ready to at least begin releasing those fears. And you’ll notice that all the future failures to live up to this promise are also included as part of the process of living it— because failure is just another ‘condition’— and the promise is ‘from THIS (right now) moment on’ and ‘no matter what’, so really what the Declaration is inviting you to promise is that you will never give up resetting the aim of your life back to Love…. ever.
Continually resetting our aim back to Love is something a person CAN do. It means no matter how many times failures happen, we/you/I forgive whatever happened and simply return to loving oneself and–without exception–all ‘others’. Actually doing only this is so powerful a practice that it will absolutely bring more of everything good to you, and also to all those around you. And it is a practice which if done ‘en mass’ on a planetary scale could easily transform our planet—in a very short time—from a place of great suffering to a place of great joy, and the presence everywhere of true love.
Therefore, the Mission of this work is to invite you to join a simple grassroots movement to share The Love Declaration in every possible language across the planet. This simple action… giving it to others… that is all that is required, because at this moment everything else necessary is already in place. The people of this planet are waiting for it…they are hungry for it… and for the deep and true and lasting peace it could help bring. Right now, the drums of fear continue their shrill beating, yet millions are still waking up. There is a huge wave of pure love building and building everywhere, in thousands of forms. The mission of The Love Declaration is a part of that wave, it’s one of those forms… it is meant to bring a specific focused clarity… a epiphany of self-recognition… to anyone who can read the words and know that what it says is true… about them, about everyone. That creates what is called a ‘unifying miracle’. That is the simple mission of this work, to offer everywhere the choice to choose Love Now Unendingly.
Please join with us in this work however you are able. Especially, please download the free PDF’s and use them to share The Love Declaration. Just give it away to your friends. Tell them what it means to you. You doing that will create miracles. And those miracles will beget other miracles which will beget and beget further miracles— into infinity. For that is all The Love Declaration is really all about.
David Seacord
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