
Facing the reality that to accomplish the Vision and Mission of The Love Declaration will require raising large amounts of money has been challenging, and it’s an area that this project could use considerable assistance in.

That said, I have been supporting this work with my own funds, which come to me via the sale of my original paintings ( and also via their printed-on-demand derivatives. While I have my own financial needs of course, as much as it is possible I have created https://davidkenyonseacord to be an e-commerce store to raise funds for The Love Declaration, given that the vision of a Love Declaration webstore has not materialized.

Therefore, I invite you to visit knowing that in as much as it is possible, a significant portion of the profit generated by it will directly go to supporting the financial needs of the work of The Love Declaration. In the future, I do hope to create another store that is 100% about supporting the Declaration. Such a future store could of course, offer the work of other artists, craftsman, authors, and musicians etc from around the world, with sales both supporting them directly, AND The Love Declaration. All that to come, ‘in God’s timing….’ 🙂